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SQL to Find Umbraco v8 Nodes using a Certain Umbraco Document Type

A few years ago, I created this blog post to show how to find Umbraco v7 Nodes using a certain Umbraco Document Type.   I needed the same thing for Umbraco v8 projects, and below are some scripts that should help with this question. Find content pages that use a specific document type:  SELECT * FROM umbracoContent C INNER JOIN cmsContentType CT ON C . contentTypeId = CT . nodeId INNER JOIN umbracoNode N ON C . nodeId = N . id WHERE CT . alias = ' YourDocumentTypeAlias ' Find the latest published version of a content page by content page node id:    SELECT pt . alias , pd .* FROM umbracoPropertyData as pd INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType as pt ON pd . propertyTypeiD = pt . id INNER JOIN umbracoContentVersion as cv ON pd . versionId = cv . id WHERE cv . NodeId = 1055 and cv . [current] = 1
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If you see the following deployment error, it may be due to using a free app service plan and running out of space. To resolve this issue, you can delete old log files (via Kudu) or scale up your app service plan to a non-free option. Likewise, if you encounter "500 server error strict-origin-when-cross-origin" errors while loading elements such as your Umbraco backoffice, scaling up your free app service plan should also resolve this error. PS: These are misleading errors. Error: 2024-07-17T16:43:56.9791667Z ##[error]Error: Error Code: ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_REMOTESVC More Information: Could not connect to the remote computer ("") using the specified process ("Web Management Service") because the server did not respond. Make sure that the process ("Web Management Service") is started on the remote computer.  Learn more at:

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Umbraco CMS kaynak koduna katkı için gerekli adımlar

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How to fix Umbraco CMS Build Error NU1104: Unable to find project '..\Umbraco-CMS\tools\Umbraco.Core\Umbraco.Core.csproj'.

Yesterday during an online meeting , I was talking about how to contribute to Umbraco CMS . As part of this talk, in order to set up my local Umbraco CMS project ,  I cloned the latest Umbraco.CMS code to my local machine, but when I built it I saw the following error: Error NU1104 Unable to find project ' D : \git \repos \Umbraco -CMS \tools \Umbraco .Core \Umbraco .Core .csproj ' . Check that the project reference is valid and that the project file exists . Umbraco .JsonSchema D : \git \repos \Umbraco -CMS \tools \Umbraco .JsonSchema \Umbraco .JsonSchema .csproj I was surprised to see this error as I did the exact same thing a couple of days ago and saw no problems.  After trying a few things, I checked the Umbraco.JsonSchema project's project references and realised that Umbraco.Core project reference was broken.  After removing Umbraco.Core from the Umbraco.JsonSchema and adding it again fixed the problem and I could then do my local database setup as normal.