Tools MemCacheD Manager v1.0.3.0 as Memcached Server Enyim Memcached Client as Memcached .Net Client Library (Add these references to your project: Enyim.Caching.dll, log4net.dll, MemcachedProviders.dll) Your Client Program MemCacheD Manager Run the setup file and configure a Memcached Server as shown below: Client Program Create a new .Net project and add these settings to web.config file as shown below: < configSections > < section name = " cacheProvider " type = " MemcachedProviders.Cache.CacheProviderSection, MemcachedProviders " allowDefinition = " MachineToApplication " restartOnExternalChanges = " true " /> < sectionGroup name = " " > < section name = " memcached " type = " Enyim.Caching.Configuration.MemcachedClientSection, Enyim.Caching " /> </ sectionGroup >
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"Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great." Ratatouille