create table Office
office_id numeric(10) not null,
building_name varchar2(20),
constraint u_office unique(building_name),
constraint office_pk primary key(office_id)
create table Personel
personel_id number(10) not null,
personel_name varchar2(20),
office_id number(10),
constraint u_personel unique(office_id), --with this constraint each personel will have just one office id.
constraint personel_pk primary key(personel_id)
--Here in the blow code block, as you can see in personel_detail table, personel_id is a PK and also it is a FK that references personel table.
--In this condition we can't insert any personel data in to personel detail table which does not have any reference in personel table. For example if there is a personel with personel_id=1 then we can insert one data with this same personel_id-which is 1- into personel_detail table but we can't do the same thing with the personel_id=2, because there is no personel with personel_id=2.
create table personel_detail
personel_id number(10,0) not null,
personel_info nvarchar2(20),
constraint personel_detay_pk primary key(personel_id),
constraint personel_detay_fk foreign key(personel_id)
references personel(personel_id)
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