A few years ago, I created this blog post to show how to find Umbraco v7 Nodes using a certain Umbraco Document Type.
I needed the same thing for Umbraco v8 projects, and below are some scripts that should help with this question.
Find content pages that use a specific document type:
SELECT * FROM umbracoContent C
INNER JOIN cmsContentType CT ON C.contentTypeId = CT.nodeId
INNER JOIN umbracoNode N ON C.nodeId = N.id
WHERE CT.alias = 'YourDocumentTypeAlias'
Find the latest published version of a content page by content page node id:
SELECT pt.alias, pd.* FROM umbracoPropertyData as pd
INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType as pt ON pd.propertyTypeiD = pt.id
INNER JOIN umbracoContentVersion as cv ON pd.versionId = cv.id
WHERE cv.NodeId = 1055 and cv.[current] = 1
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